Sunday, 21 March 2021

MUSlC IN THE STREETS (Recorded by T. Schwartz) (1957)

Subtitled "A fascinating collection of music and musicians recorded on the streets of New York," this album resurrects the seemingly long-lost sounds of public gathering: sociability, conviviality, hubbub and exchange. And of course performance. 

Does anyone remember this? When's the last time you've heard a busker? Seen a mall-choir? Watched a parade? These documented sonic rituals of the mundane are coming in as a restorative tonic today. NY, sure. But also anywhere. 

Friday, 12 March 2021

H0AHIO - HAPPY MAlL (1997)

This super group was initiated by the chanteuse/sonic polymath Haco, and for this debut recording, included sine-wave sampler-savant Sachiko M and jazz-koto player Michiyo Yagi. The work lulls the mind with churning minimalist repetitions, plucky folksy, scrambling improvisations, and well-placed moments of anthemic rock progressions and gentle digressions. Delicious, quixotic, lovely, confusing: all the sonic elements of dreamstate standing loud and proud. 

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

DJ OL1VE - SLEEP (2001)

Future illbient hall-of-famer, G. Asch aka Olive aka The Audio Janitor, released this 13-track dream-salve in 2001 as a limited hand-crafted gift for friends who had trouble sleeping. Emerging from his time in the late 90s DJing for NY sleep-parties, this is the first installment of his sonic sleep medicines which has since yielded several albums and installations. The tones are warm, textured, graceful and suitably numbing. 

The project comes with instructions: "This is a sleeping pill. Please listen to it quietly."

Saturday, 6 March 2021


A snapshot from our random playlist shuffle: music-box exotica, barrel organ cacophony, uncanny nostalgia & retro-tinged madness:
1) Dutch Band Organ - Did You See a Dream Walk? 2) F. Karlin - The Dream 3) K. Nordine - Thousand Dreams 4) Li De La Russe - Delia's Reverie 5) J. Plotkin - Mosquito Dream 6) A. Lane - Stories of Your Dream 7) Mapstation - TV Dream 8) Tuxedomoon - Dream Flight 9) F. Atkinson - Visnaga 10) Shock Exchange - Just a Dream 11)  Esquivel - Street of Dreams 12) E. Lurie - Possible Love 13) Broadcast - Aphid Sleeps 14) J. Gurascier - Sueno Otonal 15) C. Reimer - Carson Dial 16) K. Overall - Sleeping on the Train 17) R. Scott - Memories 18) W. Mertens - Bresque 19) W. Schumann - Pearl's Dream 20) Children's Ensemble - Piece vii 21) Shannon & the Clams - Into a Dream 22) D. Shore - My Isle of Golden Dreams 23) B. Lew - Aveugle Depuis 24) Paillard Music Box - La Sonnambula 25) M. Ribot - Dream of the Other 26) J. Miyake/ D. Byrne - A Dream Is a Wish  27) F. Durand - Hora de dormir 28) J. Derome - Reverie 29) C. Watson - Waiting 30) Regina Music Box - Garden of Dreams

Friday, 5 March 2021

0RUÃ - R0MA (20I9)

Just a total incendiary, throbbing, fuzzed-out pleasure today. Music for strutting, tripping, head-banging and perhaps dry-humping. We can't get enough of these enigmatic gents from Brazil and, it would seem, often Boise, Idaho.

Meltdown rock n' roll for lovers and dreamers.

Tuesday, 2 March 2021


OWOD has previously mentioned a special, personal fascination with the year 1985 and even posted Wang Chung. Today, we have three more. The dreamstate is openly referenced and evoked in all. 

1985 a random date with only sentimental fixations that are too uninteresting to share. I'll say this: in the small island west-coast town where I grew up, you had to go elsewhere for your epic dream-sounds. A friend in the city had this industrial/noise taste-changer: NWW, Muslimgauze, P16.D4, Enrico Piva...wonderful!


In mid 80s Canada, Attic Records was big into the weightless sounding adult instrumental scene. This record could sometimes be seen in your local bookstore or new-age boutique of the era, usually with Windham Hill or Heart-Music Sri Chinmoy cassettes. I didn't own it, but easily could have. I didn't know much about the new age, or architectural music, but I knew a girl who played ethereal flute through a Mr. Microphone and almost killed me with beauty. 

With Seigen Ono, Ichiko Hashimoto, Masahide Sukama, Yoshio Suzuki


This 1985 collection of "lull music," compositions and sounds from many of the now legendary sonic artists who found themselves in NY during the 80s. Whether this album of not-quite-soothing, dissonant timbres can fairly qualify as a "sleep aid" is debatable, but we'll take them at their word and label it so. Some people can sleep through anything. And I'm sure those were crazy days, where drifting off to this made sense. Thanks to P.E. for this, and many others. 

P. Oliveros, A. Lockwood, I. Mimaroglu, T. Johnson, A. Knowles, etc.

Monday, 1 March 2021


Bebey's sprawling sonic vision--and prodigious, polymathic talents--are on full display here...two early compositions for solo guitar. Gorgeous, spacious phrasing. Mesmerizing pluckery. A smart, soulful deep-dive into the quandaries/quagmires of genre, the musicology of empire. (Check his essay "La radiodiffusion en Afrique Noire", 1963)

(We previously posted on his album of sanza work (1982-84) here.)

Saturday, 27 February 2021


In the spirit of book-keeping here at OWOD, we must now present the long promised 3rd collection of Mr. McGregor's nocturnal transmissions from the other side of consciousness. As you may recall, this fellow dreams out loud, delivering an unequaled, often narrative, first-person reportage directly from the depths of slumberland. I recently learned there is a fourth volume of these 1960s recordings that has been released.

Saturday, 20 February 2021


It has been hard to sleep. Some years now, some seasons. And yet dreams permeate the waking hours. I can't sleep so I sleepwalk while awake. Patience is a virtue. I thank anyone who still possesses any. Or at least dreams about it. Love, happiness, and blissful bewilderment to you all. 

Mr. Nakashima is from Osaka. These spacious pieces are as warm & cuddly as they are downtempo chill.